Organic Gardening in Tasmania


This section will contain links to useful resources related to the subject of organic gardening, and references to external websites that were sourced for information used on this website.

Gardenate contains a more complete planting guide for all climates. Some of this information was used for our planting guide.

Organic Gardening from Down Under contains a wealth of information for organic gardeners and was a helpful resource in all aspects of the creation of this site, including our list of companion plants and information on organic soil treatment.

Wikipedia's list of companion plants was vital in the compilation of our own list of companion plants, but is much more complete.

Harmony Garden Centre, Lauderdale, provided the wagon wheel herb garden pictured on the Mission Statement page. It was photographed with their permission by Brendan Gasparin.

The Quote Garden contains many interesting quotations, including most of the ones used on this site.

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