Organic Gardening in Tasmania

Companion Planting

Don't wear perfume in the garden - unless you want to be pollinated by bees.
~Anne Raver

Many different plants in a bed.

Herbs and vegetables planted together
to compliment each other.
Photographed by Brendan Gasparin.

Companion planting is the idea that planting certain species of plants in proximity to one another is beneficial to the growth and health of the plants. Just as in the animal kingdom, plants have evolved mutually gainful and symbiotic relationships. They can serve as pest repellents to one another, with one plant acting as a deterrent to a pest that is known to eat the other plant. This is especially important in organic gardening, where we cannot rely on chemical pesticides in order to control pest populations. For example, white cabbage moths are known to avoid settling on white flowers, so these may be planted near your brassicas in order to protect them.

Sometimes the benefit is as simple as one plant aiding and strengthening the other. For example, basil is thought to actually change the taste of tomatoes when planted around them, as well as boosting their growth and health. Beans and peas fix the levels of nitrogen in the soil, and can aid nearby plants that enjoy nitrogen-rich soil.

Below is a table of plants set against their known companion plants. Some plants can actually be detrimental to the health of others, and we have also provided information on which plants actively dislike being planted closer to others.

Companion Plants
Plant Companions Dislikes
Basil chamomile common rue
Beans eggplant, nasturtium onions, chilli, chives, garlic, kale, tomato
Brocolli leeks, shallots, geraniums, dill, sage, pennyroyal, mints, oregano, parsley, rosemary tomato, mustards, pole/runner beans
Cabbage leeks, shallots, geraniums, dill, sage, pennyroyal, mints, oregano, parsley, rosemary tomato, mustards, pole/runner beans
Carrots leeks, shallots, rosemary, sage, beans, onions, feverfew parsnips
Cauliflower sage, pennyroyal, mints, oregano, parsley tomato
Chives carrots beans, peas
Coriander beans, peas -
Cucumber nasturtium, radishes, marigolds, sunflowers, peas, beets, carrots, dill tomato, sage
Lettuce beans, carrots, kohlrabi, radish cabbage, celery, cress, parsley
Onion carrots beans, lentils, parsley, peas
Oregano basil -
Parsnip onions, feverfew carrots, tomato
Peas beans onion, chives, garlic
Potato horseradish carrot, cucumber, raspberries, squash, sunflower, tomato
Spinach beans, peas -
Tomato basil, parsley, marigolds, lettuce cabbage

Happy planting!

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