Tenacious D album cover.
The greatest album in the world.

A long time ago Jack and his brother Kyle were hitchhiking down a long and lonesome road when all of a sudden there shined a shiny demon in the middle of the road, and he said, "Play the best song in the world or I'll eat your soul."

Jablinski and Kyle looked at each other and they each said, "Okay", and they played the first thing that came to their heads and it just so happened to be the best song in the world.

Open your eyes and it is easy to see. One and one make two, two and one make three. It was destiny.

Once every hundred thousand years or so when the sun doth shine and the moon doth glow, and the grass doth grow.

Needless to say, the beast was stunned. Whip-crack! went his rumpy tail, and the beast was done. He asked them, "Be you angels?" and they said, "Nay, we are but men. Rock!"

This is not a web page about the greatest song in the world. This is a web page about a tribute. JB and KG could not remember the greatest song in the world so this is a tribute to a tribute the greatest song in the world.