Buddy's Homepage

Buddy the dog.
I am getting ready to work on my website

Hi! My name is Buddy the Beagador and I am one of the bestest boys in the world.

I am a good dog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Hey Buddy! What are your favourite pastimes?

A: I like chewing, eating, and biting. I also enjoy digging in my yard and playing with other dogs at the dog park.

Q: Buddy, you are a handsome dog. What are your favourite foods?

A: I like eating meat, cardboard, zucchini, wood, sweet potato, shoes, pizza crusts, hard plastics, and salted snacks. Chocolate, onions, garlic, and avocado are all poisonous to me but don't knock it until you've tried it.

Q: I heard most dogs aren't good at web design. How are you such an amazing web developer?

A: I use YouTube and freeCodeCamp for self-learning. I am good at HTML but have trouble with the colours in stylesheets because dogs have dichromatic vision.

Q: As a popular social media influencer you must get very stressed. How does Buddy the Beagador relax?

A: Sometimes I like to sit in a chair and stare off into the distance, thinking about deep things like philosophy, spirituality, and rabbit holes. Other times I find a bed where humans are trying to sleep and I lie horizontally across the whole thing.